
Rodrigo Alberto De la Fabian Albagli


Criticizing the tragic paradigm in psychoanalysis based on Emmanuel Levinas ethical conception of subjectivity. From the tragic assumption to the comic acknowledgement of castration

The political function of clinical testimony

On the irreducible presence of the Hobbesian savage in Sigmund Freud's work

On the Imperative of Happiness in Contemporary Neoliberalism. A Psychoanalytical Reading of the New Spirit of Capitalism

Positive psychology and the enhancement of happiness: A reply to Binkley (2018).

Positive psychology's promise of happiness: A new form of human capital in contemporary neoliberal governmentality.

A critical analysis of debates on grief and depressive disorder in the age of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

The energy metaphor for the human body and its effect on the rise of neurasthenia, neurosis and depression

Coaching ontológico y gubernamentalidad neoliberal en el contexto de la ficción onto-molecular de la vida. En A. A. L. Ferreira, F. Machado, F. Carijó & M. C. Almeida (Eds.), Governamentalidade e práticas psicológicas: a gestão pela liberdade.

Ontological coaching and the post-therapeutic turn in neoliberal governmentality

Ontological Coaching and the Therapeutic turn in Neoliberal Governmentality. En: Nehring, D. et al. (2020) (Eds)Routledge Handbook of Global Therapeutic Cultures


Presencia y función de los saberes psi en la “edad de oro” de la literatura de ciencia ficción chilena (1959- 1973), Coinvestigador

History of Psychotherapy in Latin América” con el Programa de Pós-Graduação em História das Ciências e da Saúde da Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (COC- Fiocruz, Río de Janeiro), Investigador Principal