
Cristóbal Gonzalo Rovira Kaltwasser


Explaining the Rise of Ethnic Politics in Contemporary Latin America

Spain: No Country for the Populist Radical Right?

Vox populi or vox masculini? Populism and gender in Northern Europe and South America

Dealing with populists in government: a framework for analysis

Dealing with populists in government: some comparative conclusions

Dealing with populists in government: the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition in Greece

The Ideational Approach to Populism

Measuring populist discourse in the United States and beyond

Studying Populism in Comparative Perspective: Reflections on the Contemporary and Future Research Agenda.

The comparative (party) politics of the Great Recession: Causes, consequences and future research agenda.

What the (Ideational) Study of Populism Can Teach Us, and What It Can't.

Bringing political psychology into the study of populism

Chile 2020: pandemia y plebiscito constitucional

Chile 2020: Pandemic and Constitutional Plebiscite

Negative partisanship towards the populist radical right and democratic resilience in Western Europe

Political identities: The missing link in the study of populism

Militant Democracy Versus Populism”, en Anthoula Malkopoulu & Alexander S. Kirshner (eds.): Militant Democracy and Its Critics. Populism, Parties, Extremism.

Populism and the Welfare State

The mainstream right in western europe in the 21st century

The mainstream right in western europe: caught between the silent and silent counter-revolutions


Populism, Constuticionalism and the Politics of Representation: Cross - Regional Patterns, Responsable

Responding to populism: from normative debates to the empirical analysis of demand-side and supply-side responses, Responsable

¿Se marchita el capitalismo democrático?, Investigador Asociado

After the left turn: polarization, redistribution and the politics of the new right in Latin America, Investigador Asociado

Encuesta a la elite económica chilena, Investigador Responsable

Estudio exploratorio de la elite económica chilena, Investigador Responsable

La reinvención de lo político: actores, disputas y nuevas formas de participación política en el Chile del proceso constituyente (2022-2025), Responsable

Laboratorio para el Estudio de la Ultraderecha, Investigador Principal