
Adrián Mundt


The course of major depression during imprisonment - A one year cohort study

Deinstitutionalisation, imprisonment and homelessness

Exposure to physical and sexual violence prior to imprisonment predicts mental health and substance use treatments in prison populations

Psychometric properties of the symptom check-list-90-R in prison inmates

Disturbances of Embodiment as Core Phenomena of Depression in Clinical Practice

Burden of separation and suicide risk of prisoners with minor children.

Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Prisoners.

Substance Use During Imprisonment in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.

The relative prevalence of schizophrenia among cannabis and cocaine users attending addiction services.

1324 prison suicides in 10 countries in South America: incidence, relative risks, and ecological factors

Adaptación e implementación del modelo de prevención de consumo de sustancias Planet Youth en Chile.

Assessing government responsibility for COVID-19 deaths

The story behind Chile's rapid rollout of COVID-19 vaccination

Associations between childhood abuse, mental health problems, and suicide risk among male prison populations in Spain

Hospital length of stay among older people treated with flexible and integrative psychiatric service models in Germany International

Incomplete discussion of bipolar disorder and comorbid substance use disorder reply

Initiating Change of People With Criminal Justice Involvement Through Participation in a Drama Project: An Exploratory Study

Mental disorders and mental health symptoms during imprisonment: A three-year follow-up study

Severe mental illness and substance use disorders in prisoners in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence studies

The Underlying Structure of Comorbid Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders in Prison Populations

Asylums and Deinstitutionalization: The Penrose Hypothesis in the Twenty-First Century.

Globale Seelische Gesundheit

Globale Seelische Gesundheit.

Institutionalization, Deinstitutionalization, and the Penrose Hypothesis

Mental Health Problems in Prison Populations



15, Responsable

Psychiatric bed numbers and prisson population rates in emerging regions, Responsable